Tax Relief Programs

Tax Assistance for Elderly and Disabled Homeowners 
Washington homeowners who were sixty-five or older by December 31, 2023, or who are receiving Social Security disability payments may be eligible for a State Tax credit on their Real Estate tax. Their home in Washington must be their principal residence and their total income including Social Security must be less than:

  • Single $43,800
  • Married $53,400

If you already receive a benefit and you had a significant change to your income that may affect the amount of your benefit, than you need to reapply.  Also, If you have applied in the past and were determined to be over income you will need to reapply as well.

Applications are available February 1 at the Assessor's office and must be filed by May 15th, 2024 for credit applied to the July 2024 billing.

Click here for Homeowner Application.

For Elderly or Totally Disabled Homeowners, as defined above, who have annual income that is slightly higher than income limits shown above, the Town of Washington offers a 'Town benefit' program.  Property owners must meet eligibility requirements shown above and must also have resided in and paid real estate taxes to the Town of Washington for 3 years prior to their application.  The application link is shown above.  Please contact the Assessor's Office for more information: 

  • Single $43,800
  • Married-$53,400

Click here for Local Homeowner Application.

Tax Assistance for Elderly or Disabled Renters
Maximum income requirements:

  • Single  $43,800
  • Married  $53,400

Renters in Washington who meet the income guidelines above may be eligible for a partial refund from the State of Connecticut. Additional requirements include residence in Connecticut for a one year period prior to filing and 35% of the total rent and utility payments must exceed 5% of annual income.

Persons 65 years of age by December 31, 2023 and persons receiving total disability awards from Social Security who are eligible to apply. Applications must be filed between April 1 and October 1, 2024.

Click here for Renters Rebate Application.

Exemptions for Blind Persons

To be eligible for this exemption, a person must apply by October 1st:

  • For the blind exemption (CGS Sect.12-81(17)) - a “certificate of legal blindness” is required and can be obtained from the State of Connecticut, board of education and services for the blind located in Windsor, CT. The exemption is $3,000.

Click here for Blind Application.

Exemptions for Totally Disabled Persons

For social security total disability (CGS Sect. 12-81(55)) – a copy of the original award letter stating when disability began is required. The exemption is $1,000 off your assessment.

Click here for Totally Disabled Application.