Tax Collector

The Washington Tax Collector is responsible for billing and collecting municipal property taxes of real estate, personal property, and motor vehicles in accordance with Connecticut State Statutes.  Taxes are billed and collected semi-annually (July and January) on real estate and annually (July) on motor vehicles and personal property.  Supplemental Motor Vehicle tax bills are due January 1.  

Our goal is to help maintain the fiscal health of the Town of Washington by ensuring timely collections through proper implementation of CT statutes.

Transfer Station Stickers are issued by the tax office as well as the Transfer Station on Clark Road.

Building and Driveway Permits must be verified by the Tax Collector that there are no delinquent property taxes.  Health Department Licenses must be verified by the Tax Collector that there are no delinquent personal property taxes on the business enterprise.  Please submit the tax verification forms directly to the respective departments, and they will contact the tax office for verification.   There is no need to come into the tax office for verification.  

Payment Options – Save Time Avoid the Lines

  • Online here
  • Drop Box – black, metal box beside the town hall central doors.   Absolutely NO CASH.
    Place check, including phone number and payment coupon, in a sealed envelope.
  • Please call ahead for cash payments.
  • Mail with postmark:  Tax Collector, Town of Washington, P.O. Box 383, Washington Depot, CT 06794
  • Check payable to Town of Washington, include phone number and payment coupon.
  • Your cancelled check is your receipt.  Enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope and “Taxpayer’s Copy” of the payment coupon for a hand-stamped receipt.
  • Proofread your check carefully—numeric and written amounts (legal line) agree, correct date, and signature.  Incorrectly written checks and postdated checks cannot be processed.

Staff Contacts

Name Title Phone
Donna W. Alex, CCMC Tax Collector (860) 868-7796
Margaret Freeland Assistant (860) 868-7796