Washington Historic District Public & Regular Meeting

Meeting date: 
Monday, July 21, 2014


Calhoun-Ives, Sunny Ridge and Washington Green Historic Districts


Public Hearing and Regular Meeting

July, 21 2014

7:30 PM                                                                                       Upper Level Meeting Room

MEMBERS PRESENT:          Jane Boyer, George Krimsky, Alison Gilchrist, Phyllis Mills

MEMBERS ABSENT:             Tom Hollinger

ALTERNATES PRESENT:     Sally Woodroofe, Louise Van Tartwijk Novey

ALTERNATES ABSENT:       Susan Averill

STAFF PRESENT:                Janice Roberti

ALSO PRESENT:                  Rod Pleasants (McGiver-Govern), Don Whalen (Gunn Memorial Library)

Public Hearing

Gunn Memorial Library/5 Wykeham Road/install shed roofs over three existing exterior doors

Ms. Boyer opened the Public Hearing at 7:30 PM to consider the application for a Certificate of Appropriateness submitted by Gunn Memorial Library to construct shed roofs over three existing emergency exits. The legal notice that appeared in Voices 7/12/14 was read. Ms. Boyer seated members Alison Gilchrist, Phyllis Mills and George Krimsky.

Don Whalen represented Gunn Memorial Library. He displayed photos of the three doors involved and explained that the new shed roofs would not be visible from the road. Ms. Boyer commented said that she drove by and noticed that one of the doors was visible from the road. When discussing the visibility of the doors from the road, she indicated that the commission does not consider trees when making judgments on appropriateness.Ms. Boyer asked if the roofs would be strongly supported and Mr. Whalen said they would be securely anchored. Ms. Boyer asked if there were any more comments or questions. There were none.

MOTION:    To close the Public Hearing to consider the application for a Certificate of Appropriateness submitted by Gunn Memorial Library, 5 Wykeham Road to construct shed roofs over three existing emergency exits. By Ms. Boyer, seconded by Ms. Mills and passed 4 to 0.

Mrs. Boyer closed the Public Hearing at 7:45 PM.

Regular Meeting

Mrs. Boyer called the meeting to order at 7:45 PM and seated members Phyllis Mills, Alison Gilchrist and George Grimsky.

Gunn Memorial Library/5 Wykeham Road/install shed roofs over three existing exterior doors

Ms. Boyer asked the commissioners if there were additional comments or questions. There were none.

MOTION:    To approve the application for a Certificate of Appropriateness submitted by  Gunn Memorial Library, 5 Wykeham Road to construct shed roofs over three existing emergency exits with the provision that the exits will not be enclosed structures. By: Ms. Boyer, seconded by Ms. Mills and passed 4 to 0.

Terry and Kelley Pillow/132 Calhoun St./construct new home and guest house.

Rod Pleasants of McGiver Morgan represented the owners Terry and Kelley Pillow.Mr. Pleasants presented the revised plans and addressed the information requests from the 6/16/14 meeting. The revised plans have smaller size windows, a step down in the roof line over the master bedroom/sitting area. Comments by several commission members indicated that the revised plans make the home more esthetically pleasing.Mr. Pleasants commented that due to the grade, the home will look like a one story dwelling from the street. Mr. Krimsky asked if the square footage had changed and asked what the actual square footage. The response was 5500 square feet total. The discussion then turned to lighting. Ms. Gilchrist asked if the pergola would screen light being emitted from the home. Mr. Pleasants said that there should not be a concern with a large amount of light being emitted. Ms. Gilchrist asked about the interior/exterior lighting fixture decision and was told by Mr. Pleasants that lighting would be addressed as the construction progressed and as of this meeting no decision had been made. Ms. Mills and Ms. Gilchrist asked about the appearance and shape of the stones being used on the home. Stones that are too flat or too rounded will not be used. Mr. Pleasants displayed a picture of the home where Bill Blass resided because the home is representative of what the owners want for the stones being used on their home. Mr. Pleasants commented that the stones would look like stones that would have been available to people in previous centuries when people gathered up stones from their land to use for construction. Ms. Gilchrist wanted it noted that the commission appreciates the efforts of the owners, designers and architects in their efforts to respond to the commission’s requests. The compromises made between all parties has resulted in positive experiences for all involved. The commission noted that the Pillows have shown willingness to compromise and are earnest in their desire and commitment to the Washington Historic District area style. Ms. Boyer requested that McGiver-Govern formally eliminate the construction of a barn (home office) from the application. Ms. Roberti provided Mr. Pleasants with the original application. Mr. Pleasants signed and dated the original document.

Ms. Boyer asked if there were any more comments or questions. There were none.

MOTION:    To approve the application for a Certificate of Appropriateness submitted by Terry and Kelley Pillow, 132 Calhoun Street for the construction of a new home and guest house with the provision that confirmation be provided to the Washington Historic District Commission that the main chimney height conforms to the Town of Washington building codes. By: Mr.Krimsky, seconded by Ms. Boyer and passed 4 to 0.

MOTION:    To continue the Public Hearing to consider the application for a Certificate of Appropriateness submitted by Brigitte Kleine and Robert Michelleto, 110 Calhoun Street to rebuild the existing stone wall with the addition of a wood gate. By Mr. Krimsky, seconded by Ms. Mills and passed 4 to 0.

Consideration of the Minutes


MOTION:     To amend the June 16, 2014 meeting minutes as noted. Page 3, add Section “Consideration of Minutes” below the section “Other Business”. Page 2 revise the adjective “industrial” to the adjective “utilitarian” as requested by Ms. Gilchrist. Adjective was used in her opinion on the appearance of the proposed outdoor fireplace, 110 Calhoun Street.

Discussion/Committee Revision of Rules and Regulations.

The commission discussed the research that has been done to date regarding the Rules and Regulations Committee formed in June 2014. Ms. Roberti informed the group that Janet Hill provided referenced sections in the September 2001 CT State Statutes Book regarding Connecticut Historic District Rules and Regulations. Ms. Roberti gave copies of these pages to commission members. Ms. Hill also stated that other Washington CT commissions have turned to the town attorney for a legal opinion. The attorney does not have the authority to approve an historic district commission rules and regulations. Ms. Boyer said she will continue to research what state entity has the authority for final approval.

MOTION:  To adjourn the meeting. By Mr. Grimsky, seconded by Ms. Gilchrist.

Ms. Boyer adjourned the meeting at 9:10 PM.            


Respectfully Submitted,


Janice Roberti

Historic District Clerk